Spencer Psychology

Meet your new therapist at Spencer Psychology.

We have a mental health services staff at Spencer Psychology with a wide range of expertise on a variety of issues and counseling techniques. In addition to our specialty areas, our therapists also commonly work with grief, divorce, work/career problems, parenting support, and personality disorders.

Spencer Psychology building

Research at Spencer Psychology

Spencer Psychology is collaborating with the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute.

We have two current mental health services studies. Our first study looks at the impact of trauma and stress on the brain, body and behavior. Our second is to validate use of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) in clients with trauma diagnoses. The SSP is used with success by many clinicians across the world to ease trauma responses but has not been formally validated in the research for use with trauma diagnoses. Internationally renowned researcher Dr. Stephen Porges heads both studies based on his development of the Polyvagal Theory.